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Togetha Software

We make Atlassian Marketplace Apps.

Our Apps

MailDrop for Confluence

MailDrop for Confluence lets you drag an email from your email client onto your Confluence page and have it’s contents added to the page. When an email is dr...

Support and more

Our Apps

You can find our Apps are listed on the Atlassian Marketplace. MailDrop for Confluence lets you drag an email from your email client onto your Confluence pag...

Support and Feedback

Are you having an issue with Our Apps? If you log a support ticket we’ll get back to you ASAP. You can log a support ticket at ...


Trust and Licenses License Agreement DPA Privacy Policy App Privacy Statements Documentation MailDrop for Confluence

The Blog

In this section you’ll find our musings on different subjects, some of which will relate directly to our products and others just on life. We hope you enjoy.

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